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145 photos

John's Top Picks
A peacful early autumn sunset over Lake SuperiorWindy sunrise at Point BetsieBlack Rocks Winter Sunrise, Marquette, MILake Superior stones at Twelvilemile Beach, Pictured RocksGrand Haven Lighthouse-Churning Storm" Diamonds of Light"   Lake Superior, Copper Harbor, MichiganWooden Bridge over the slate riverLake of The Clouds-Firey Sunrise"A Gathering Storm" Lake Superior, Upper MichiganAutumn sunrise at Tahquamenon FallsA stormy autumn day on Lake SuperiorMackinac Bridge RainbowBrockway Mountain ribbons of lightSeptember Gales, Eagle Harbor LighthouseNorthern Lights-Miners Beach-Pictured RocksTrilliums in bloom at Pictured Rocks National LakeshoreHurricane River Sunset,  Lake Superior Pictured RocksBlack Rocks Cave, Presque Isle Park, MarquetteTwelvemile Beach Pictured Rocks National LakehsoreMouth of the Hurrican River Sunset at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

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