About the Photographer

"Michigan Nature Photographer John McCormick"John McCormick MIchigan Nature PhotographerMichigan Photography by John McCormick

Hi, My name is John McCormick. I'm a full time Michigan Landscape Photographer.  I'm a lifelong resident and have been into Michigan Nature Photography for over 30 years.

I have been married to my wife Shelly for 38 years and we have three sons, a daughter-in-law, and two granddaughters.

It's humbling to have my work displayed all around Michigan in peoples homes, medical facilities, Universities, restaurants, corporate offices, websites and many printed publications. I'm proud to be part of the Pure Michigan campaign and to be a contributing photographer for the State of Michigan.

Michigan is a beautiful place to live and photography is my absolute passion.


From the Photographer

Some people think of Michigan as not being a very scenic state..  Many don't know of all it's natural treasures. The mountains, wild rivers and waterfalls, it's large wilderness areas, and miles of pristine Great Lakes shoreline. Also the dramatic seasonal changes, the beautiful snowy winters, the vibrant autumns and springs. It's a landscape continually changing. And topping all of that with over 100 lighthouses, makes Michigan a photographers dream.  It takes years to see the majority of what Michigan has to offer.



Some examples of my work displayed: Wolfgang Puck Restaurant in Detroit as back-lit acrylic panels. Tawas Point winter sunrise, and Mary Jarecki shipwreck, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.



                              Michael's Tavern & Steakhouse, Indian River, MI. (Vivid metal Prints)  

Michaels Restuarant-metal prints display-Mackinac BridgeMichaels Restuarant-metal prints display-Mackinac Bridge          

Published in the following media

Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy -- National Park Service U.S fish & Wildlife.-- North Country Trail Association -- Michigan's Travel & Recreation Association -- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) -- Michigan Environmental Council -- Lake Superior Magazine -- Minnesota Monthly Magazine -- Outdoor Photographer Magazine--Michigan Nature Magazine -- LongWeekends Magazine -- N-Photo Magazine -- Backpacker Magazine -- Midwest Living Magazine -- Experience Michigan Magazine-- Barefoot Magazine--  AAA Living Magazine-- Outside Magazine--  Lens Magazine.-- Country Magazine-- Michigan Blue Magazine.-- BayLIFE Magazine.  -Traverse Magazine -- Photography Week Magazine -- Delta Sky Magazine-- Boys'Life Magazine -- Farm & Living Magazine.-- Farley Calendar Company--Michigan billboards & Magazine Publications.-- National Geographic Education Dept -- Pure Michigan Bus Wraps -- CNN Travel -- USA Today -- Chicago Tribune-- Yahoo Travel.-- Michigan Naval Architecture & Marine -- MGM Grand Casino -- Huffington Post -- Detroit Free Press -- Michigan Lottery Gaming division -- Lansing State Journal

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